| NIC Research Group

Theses/ PhD Positions

Theses and PhD Positions

NIC Research Group

Theses and PhD Positions

    For topics of possible Ph.D. thesis, please contact the group members.

      Ph.D. theses previously supervised by members of the group:
        2017 Kostrzewa, Bartosz

        2017 Stollenwerk, Felix

        2016 Kostrzewa, Bartosz

        2016 Wiese, Christian

        2015 Pientka, Grit (geb. Hotzel)

        2015 Bahr, Felix Tobias

        2015 Leovey, Hernan

        2014 Marinkovic, Marina

        2013 Ammon, Andreas (geb. Nube)

        2013 Garcia Ramos, Elena

        2013 Mesterhazy, David

        2013 Petschlies, Marcus

        2012 Dinter, Simon

        2012 Hesse, Dirk

        2012 Virotta, Francesco

        2011 Gonzalez Lopez, Jenifer

        2011 Kallarackal, Jim

        2010 Tekin, Fatih

        2010 Feng, Xu

        2010 Cichy, Krzysztof

        2009 Gerhold, Philipp

        2007 Guazzini, Damiano

        2007 Leder, Bjoern

        2005 Urbach, Carsten

        2004 Chiarappa, Thomas

        2004 Molke, Heiko

        2003 Necco, Silvia

        2000 Kurth, Martin

        1999 Knechtli, Francesco

        Maximally twisted mass lattice QCD at the physical pion mass

        Determination of csw in Nf = 3 + 1 Lattice QCD with massive Wilson fermions

        Maximally Twisted Mass Lattice QCD at the Physical Pion Mass

        Investigating New Lattice Approaches to the Momentum and Spin Structure of the Nucleon

        Hadronic corrections to electroweak observables from twisted mass lattice QCD

        Form factors for semileptonic Bs → Kℓν decays in lattice QCD

        Derivative based Quasi-Monte Carlo Constructions and Sensitivity Estimates

        Fundamental parameters of QCD from non-perturbative methods for two and four flavors

        Chiral description and physical limit of pseudoscalar decay constants with four dynamical quarks and applicability of quasi-Monte Carlo for lattice systems

        Investigations of chiral symmetry breaking and topological aspects of lattice QCD

        Equilibrium and Nonequilibrium Scaling Phenomena in strongly correlated Systems

        Non-perturbative investigation of current correlators in twisted mass lattice QCD

        Nucleon structure from lattice QCD

        Automated Lattice Perturbation Theory in the Schrödinger Functional - Implementation and Applications in HQET

        Critical slowing down and error analysis of lattice QCD simulations

        On the chirally rotated Schrödinger functional with Wilson fermions

        The Higgs boson resonance from a chiral Higgs-Yukawa model on the lattice

        The strong coupling constant of QCD with four flavors

        Investigating scattering phenomena from Lattice QCD using twisted mass fermions

        Lattice QCD with chirally invariant fermions

        Upper and lower Higgs boson mass bounds from a chirally invariant lattice Higgs-Yukawa model

        Heavy-light mesons in lattice HQET and QCD

        The Schrödinger functional for Gross-Neveu models

        Wilson Twisted Mass Fermions: Towards Realistic Simulations of Lattice-QCD

        Chiral fermions on the lattice

        Improved interpolating fields in the Schrödinger Functional

        The static quark potential and scaling behavior of SU(3) lattice Yang-Mills theory

        Non-perturbative renormalization of the B-meson axial current

        The Static Potential in the SU(2) Higgs Model

          Diploma theses previously supervised by members of the group:
            2011 Kessel, Pan

            2010 Marinkovic, Marina

            2010 Welsing, Roman

            2010 Haas, Olivia

            2008 Mesterhazy, David

            2008 Petschlies, Marcus

            2008 Nube, Andreas

            2008 Hailperin, Isaac

            2007 Gonzalez Lopez, Jenifer

            2005 Pollakowski, Beatrix

            2004 Christian, Nils

            2002 Urbach, Carsten

            Wilson Loops in small Volume

            Lattice QCD simulations with fixed topology

            Das eta' Meson mit dynamischen up, down, strange und charm Quarks in der Gitter QCD

            The Locality of the Overlap Operator towards the Continuum Limit (Bachelor)

            Untersuchungen der Burgers Gleichung im Pfadintegral Formalismus (Bachelor)

            Exploring the phase structure of Wilson twisted mass lattice QCD at finite temperature

            Anwendung des PHMC-Algorithmus in der Gitter-QCD mit chiral rotiertem Massenterm

            Eigenwertspektrum der Gitter Quantenchromodynamik mit chiral rotiertem Massenter

            Cut-off effects and continuum limit at tree-level of perturbation theory for Wilson twisted mass fermions at maximal twist

            Dynamische Overlap-Fermionen im zweidimensionalen Schwingermodell

            Untersuchung des Skalierungsverhaltens verschiedener Gitterwirkungen im Schwingermodell

            Untersuchung der Reversibilitaetsverletzung beim Hybrid-Monte-Carlo-Algorithmus