| NIC Research Group

Les Houches 2009

NIC Research Group

Les Houches 2009

    Lattice QCD - Les Houches, August 2009 Session XCIII

    Modern perspectives in lattice QCD: Quantum field theory and high performance computing

    Perspectives modernes en QCD sur réseau: théorie quantique des champs et calcul numérique intensif

    August 3 – 28, 2009

    Scientific Direction:
    Laurent Lellouch (CNRS, CPT Marseille, France)
    Rainer Sommer (DESY, Zeuthen, Germany)
    Benjamin Svetitsky (Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel)
    Anastassios Vladikas (INFN-Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy)
    International Advisory Committee:
    Norman Christ (Columbia University, New York, USA)
    Martin Lüscher (CERN, Geneva, Switzerland)
    Tetsuya Onogi (Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan)
    Giancarlo Rossi (University of Rome Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy)

    Long Courses:
    Pilar Hernandez (University of Valencia): Lattice QCD Fundamentals
    Peter Weisz (MPI-Munich): Renormalization and Improvement
    David Kaplan (University of Washington, Seattle): Chiral Lattice Fermions
    Rainer Sommer (DESY, Zeuthen): Heavy Quark Effective Theory
    Maarten Golterman (San Francisco State University): Chiral Perturbation Theory
    Martin Lüscher (CERN, Geneva): Computational Strategies

    Short Courses:
    Sinya Aoki (Tsukuba University): Lattice QCD and Nuclear Physics
    Laurent Lellouch (CNRS, CPT Marseille): Lattice Flavour Physics
    Thomas Appelquist (Yale University): Lattice Gauge Theories Beyond the Standard Model
    Owe Philipsen (Münster University): QCD at Finite Temperature and Quark Density
    Stefan Schäfer (Humboldt University, Berlin): Computational Tutorials

    Scientific Programme:
    The purpose of the School is to impart a deeper theoretical understanding of lattice QCD as well as to survey new, powerful computational methods. Our principal aim is to bring a new generation of young theorists into contact with leading experts in these fields. Important theoretical methods, including chiral lattice fermions, heavy quark effective theories, and chiral perturbation theory will be taught alongside computational strategies, algorithms, and the relevance of lattice QCD to high energy experiments.

    Applications must reach the School before March 1, 2009 in order to be considered by the selection committee. The full cost per participant, including housing, meals and the book of lecture notes, is 1500 euros. Thanks to financial support by various funding agencies, we expect to cover part of these expenses; a contribution of about 900 euros will be requested from each participant. A few additional grants will be available. Application forms are here: RTF, PDF; for more information see . One can also contact the School at

    La Côte des Chavants
    74310 LES HOUCHES, France
    Directeur : Leticia Cugliandolo
    Phone : +33 –4 50 54 40 69 – Fax : +33 –4 50 55 53 25
    Email :

    Les Houches is a village located in Chamonix valley, in the French Alps. Established in 1951, the Physics School is situated at 1150 m above sea level in natural surroundings, with breathtaking views of the Mont Blanc range.

    Les Houches Physics School is affiliated with Université Joseph Fourier Grenoble I (UJF). It is a joint interuniversity facility of UJF and Grenoble-INP, and is supported by the UJF, the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) and the Direction des Sciences de la Matière du Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique (CEA/DSM).
    This summer school is further funded by the Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY), the Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN), the FP6 European Network “Flavianet”, the Forschungszentrum Jülich, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, and the Groupement de Recherche CNRS “Physique subatomique et calculs sur réseau”.
